practical, beautiful, trendy
Picture of the day

Picture of the day


Cargofun, this is the idea of a new Pickup generation. The generation of compact sports Pickup' s. Compact in the size, sporting in the use and by its technical details flexible as a great Pickup.

There are the first representatives of this new Pickup generation now. Base for the vehicles is the New Beetle currently.
  • If you want to have such a vehicle, you write us.
  • If you want to produce such vehicles, you write us.
  • If you want to sell these vehicles, you write us.
  • The concept of the (compact) sports Pickup being supposed to develop vehicle brand, for a different one writing you for us if us you.
  • If you want to invest in the idea or us, you write us.

Our company makes new ideas and which ones people fill with enthusiasm developed from the product.

You reach us under

You can watch a video about the Cargofun project here